How To Experience Success As a Young Professional: #1 YOUR NETWORK

At the peak of any great accomplishment, you tend to think back to when that accomplishment was a mere thought, a distant reality, or a dream…

For most, it starts with having a dream, turning that dream into a vision, turning that vision into a possibility, into an opportunity and finally into a reality. 

Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Reagan, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs…When you think back to the most influential figures in history, you will notice they all shared a common trait. They all had the ability to dream. They all had the ability to look outside of the box and feverishly test the status quo. They refused to take no for an answer and they made a decision to push the human race forward. Whether these great heroes stood for equality or creating a world of fantasy and imagination, they changed our world.

But as they say, “It takes years of hard work to be an overnight success.” It takes a true catalyst of personal qualities, adaptability and actions in order to drive success in life.

 I’d like to begin with what I have come to believe is one of the most important steps: The power of your network, how to build it, utilize it and flourish from it.

1. Networking For Personal Gain (Job, Friends, Opportunity, Mentor, etc.)

As I began to search for a job in the working world, I realized that the MOST important piece of success not only business, but in life, was the power of your network.

I began to notice that the most influential, powerful and motivating people I knew had surrounded themselves with people they respect, drivers of human race and people that truly reflected who they were, or wanted to become.  

Once I shifted my mind to truly believing in this ideal, my world also began to shift. I started looking at the world around me as a level playing ground where I could be whoever I wanted to be and meet whoever I wanted to meet, as long as I was persistent and professional enough to get in front of those people.  

I began to research and reach out to folks at a high level from all different industries around the country and set meetings with those people in order to discover my path.

It was through that process that I met a complete stranger and his family in a crowded airport terminal… a complete stranger who after a 10 minute conversation handed me his card and sparked the beginning of a life changing journey.

As it turned out- the man next to me was the Owner & CEO of one of the largest privately held and fastest growing companies in NYC.

When I was settled at my final destination, embarking on my last semester of college, I thought about what to do with that card. He had mentioned he would be returning to NYC the following week, so the following week I picked up the phone.

For my story, like many others who have experienced success of any kind, it does not simply fall on your doorstep. To be truly successful you have to network, go out and search for it and then when you catch a spark- run with it and set a fire.

Countless calls, emails and check-in’s later, my pleasantly persistent attitude lead to a job, which has now turned into a career in the most competitive market in the world: New York City.

2. Networking to Flourish

Being a freshman in the real world is one of the most complex and challenging times of a person’s life. You are not only faced with the task of searching for and landing a job that supports your lifestyle, but also for most it means moving to a new city and building a fresh network.

I can personally attest to the theory that the most monumental moments in life are created from extending a hand, making a cold call and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone every single day.  

The goal in this game of life is to truly find comfort in the uncomfortable and to gain an understanding that the most beautiful moments can flourish from a simple hello.

After quickly settling into the fast paced life of NYC, sink or swim mode set in. I realized that I had to build a network and fast if I wanted to make it in the most competitive market in the world.

I began working as an Enterprise Sales Associate in the Onsite Outsourcing industry. If you know anything about B2B sales, you know it’s all about setting meetings and getting in front of people. If you know anything about Enterprise Sales, it’s all about landing meetings with C level executives from the largest organizations in the world.

From the day I began my role, I knew I had to build a network of mentors, strategic partners, lead generators, etc. if I wanted to not only stay afloat in NYC, but flourish.

I began to use Linkedin and cold call folks from the best companies and with the most prestigious titles. My tactic was not only to bring awareness to my business, but was most importantly to build relationships that would act as a foundation to my new life, role and set a stage to nurture my future goals. The more people you have on your team, just like in any aspect of life, the more successful you will be.

Little by little I began to meet top executives at firms across the city and the world. Instead of asking for business, all I asked for was a relationship and advice on how to succeed. From there, I gained a great deal of mentors who in turn exposed me to their circles resulting in some of the greatest contributors to my short lived success.

This is something I like to call the ripple effect. The key in the first few years of your business experience is to get out and meet people. Share what you do, but don’t always ask for business on the first date. The goal at this age is to meet the most influential people in your respective cities to position yourself for the future.

Whether you luck out and make an immediate profit or walk away with a connection that will benefit your short term goals or not, you are still making lasting connections that may contribute to millions of dollars in your pocket 10 years down the road. 

3. You Get What You Give

What you must not forget is that the most important key to networking and building a network is to put those in it above yourself and your needs. I have never gone to a meeting, networking event, etc. and met someone I did not offer to help first- even at a young age. ALWAYS remember you get what you give. The more you give now, the more you will profit later; be patient.

Overall the power of networking and how I have utilized it has been the BEST decision to date not only in business, but in life.

If I would have never said hello to a stranger in the airport and followed up diligently with that stranger, I would have never landed my first job out of college which eventually lead to what I’d like to believe will be a lifelong career.

If I had never reached out, thirsty to learn from everything and everyone and worked tirelessly to gain a solid NYC network… that job would have never turned into a career.

Reach out to the people you want to be, study them, learn from them and eventually you become one of them.

As I mentioned before, “it takes years of hard work to become an overnight success’- why not start today?